Products - UPS - Vanguard UPS Series 700VA-10kVA

Vanguard UPS 700VA-10kVA

True on-Line UPS 700VA - 10kVA

With true On-Line technology, pure sine wave output and fully digitised microprocessor controller, the Vanguard (VGD)is the choice for critical load protection.


Tower Models with LCD Display

Available in 700VA, 1000VA, 1500VA, 2kVA, 3kVA, 6kVa, 8kVA and 10kVA

Vanguard small Rack Mount UPS19'" Rack Mount models

Available in 700VA, 1000VA, 1500VA, 2kVA, 3kVA and 6kVa

Vanguard large rack mount ups


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